
If you believe in CWPS's mission and would like to help keep it free for all users, please consider donating.

We are a non-profit operation and your donations are tax-deductable. Donated funds will be used to pay for hardware and hosting services, to pay students to work on the site, and other operating costs.

Our donations go through Virginia Tech, where the CWPS team is based. To donate to CWPS, please follow these instructions:

  1. Visit the secure Virginia Tech donation page
  2. Choose a gift (donation) amount
  3. Click the "Select an area" menu and select "College of Engineering"
  4. Click the "Select a fund" menu and select "Other"
  5. In the "Designation" box, type or paste in: "Kurt Luther Research, Fund 877356"
  6. Click the "Add this gift to your giving list" button
  7. Complete the rest of the form and submit it

You will receive an emailed receipt confirming your tax-deductable donation. Thank you in advance for your generosity!