User Guide

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What are the different tasks I can do from the dashboard?

On the dashboard, you can check photos uploaded by you ("Added by You") and other users ("Recently Added Photos"). You can also check all recent activity ("Recent Activity") on the website.

Additionally, you can also contribute to the website by performing some tasks. Under the "Contribute" section, you will find links to specific tasks:

  1. Add Photo:
    This will take you to the "Add Photo" page, where you can add new photos to the website.

  2. Tag Photo:
    This will take you to a page where you can see photos that need to be tagged with some basic information. You will find detailed instructions on that page. You will see 5 photos at a time, and you can choose any one to work on. You can learn more about the tagging process here.
  3. Identify Photo:
    This will take you to a page, where you can see photos that need an identification. You will use the multi-step, facial recognition-based identification process. On the task page, you will find detailed instructions. You will see 5 photos at a time, and you can choose any one to work on. You can learn more about the identification process here.
  4. Verify Identity:
    This will take you to a page, where you can see photos that have been identified, but need additional verification. The community's votes can help verify some of these identities. You can find detailed instructions about giving your opinions on that page. You will see 5 photos at a time, and you can choose any one to work on. You can learn more about the verification process here.
  5. Categorize Sources:
    This will take you to a page where you can see identifications that have uncategorized sources. On this page, you can categorize these sources into their correct source types. This will help in the correct assessment of the identification quality of these photos. You will see 5 photos at a time, and you can choose any one to work on. You can learn more about uncategorized sources here.
We will launch new targets for the community over time. Anyone can do these tasks. There are currently no limits on how many tasks of each type you can complete.

Whose photos do I see under the "Recently Added Photos" section? How recent are these photos?

In the "Recently Added Photos" section, you can see all the photos that have been uploaded to the website (by any user) in the last 30 days.

What activities can I see under the "Recent Activity" section?

In the "Recent Activity" section, you will find all user activities and system updates on the website from the last 15 days. By default, the home page will show activities and updates 1 day at a time until you click the "Show More" button. These activities may include adding new photos, adding new tags, identifying photos, voting on an identification, comparing photos, etc. The system updates may include new identification sources and changes in identification quality.